Today's generation of girls are growing up in a culture where biblical femininity and homemaking aren't always popular. Titus 2 describes the pattern and the content for raising up the next generation. Mommy...Why? illustrates the blessing and privilege of the God-ordained calling of wife and mother in the questions of a young girl named Sarah. Your daughter will gain insight into the how and the why of this special calling...a direct result of "the older women training the younger women" in a God-glorifying way. Ages 5 and above.
A Titus 2 Story for Young Girls​

A Coloring/Activity Book for "Mommy...Why?" A Titus 2 Story for Young Girls. $2.95 (eBook)
A Word from the Author:
I wrote this book for young girls in an effort to inspire women of all ages to once again aspire to the high calling of motherhood. Gone are the days when little girls looked forward to becoming a wife and mother. Today, the spread of feminism has infiltrated the culture with a trend towards independence and “career fulfillment” that has enticed a whole generation of young women to exchange the God-given call of motherhood for a fleeting and worldly view of success.
As you read this book with your daughter let your love for being a wife and mother flow to your daughter. God has blessed us with a very high calling...one that He deems very precious. No, we are not always whistling while we do the laundry, nor are we forever patient and kind. We make mistakes and have bad attitudes. But God is good and He has blessed us with children who almost always ask, “Mommy....why?” When those opportunities come may we use them to give Godly, practical wisdom, and may we seek to give all the glory to God.
In Christ,
Cindy Voss
A study guide for the book "Mommy...Why?" A Titus 2 Story for Young Girls. $2.95 (eBook)