The Way I Should Go for Littles

It is never too early to start training our children in the way of the Lord. The Way I Should Go for Littles is a series that's designed to introduce even the littlest of children to what it means to live according to God's Word and how to hide it in their hearts. The stories in the storybook are bite-sized accounts, featuring children encountering biblical character traits in real-life situations. They are sure to capture your child’s attention, while at the same time providing a platform for training in the ways of the Lord. A "Bible Memory Train Map" and train cars for each Bible verse provide a fun and encouraging way for your littles to get excited about hiding God's Word in their young hearts!
The Way I Should Go for Littles is a wonderful prequel to our popular character training series, The Way I Should Go.
“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
- Proverbs 22:6 KJV
Join Michelle for a personal preview of The Way I Should Go for Littles, Volume 1, as well as a conversation about how using the product can benefit you in the biblical training and discipleship of your children.