The Friendship Letters
So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.
- Matthew 7:12
The Friendship Letters (eBook)
"Friendship is one of the greatest gifts God has given us to enjoy on this earth, but it also can come with a lot of problems and sadness. That’s because you and your friends…or the people you want to be friends with…are all sinners. If we were all perfect, then we’d all be perfect friends and there would never be any problems. That’s a bit sad to hear, isn’t it? But there is good news too. The Bible actually has a lot to say about friendship that can help us to deal with the problems of friendship and also how we can be the kind of friend God would want us to be. Faith is a kid just like you. And just like you, she faces problems with friends. But she’s learning to use God’s Word more and more for her problems. That's why her parents named her "Faith". Every time she has a new problem with a friend, she learns what the Bible has to say about it and prays for God’s help. When we learn God’s Word and how to trust in Him, our faith grows bigger and bigger…and our problems feel smaller and smaller!"
Each letter from Faith in this volume of the Correspondence Series will address a different friendship problem with which kids commonly struggle. Use all 15 or pick and choose specific ones. Each friendship topic has two letters from Faith: one that introduces the problem and one that tells what she’s learning about it. There are also 6 letters of friendship advice. Pages for your children to write her back are also included. Recommended ages 7-13 (120 Pages).
Friendship problems covered in the unit:
Sharing Jealousy
Unkind Words Gossip
Being Ignored Peer Pressure
Bullying More...
Included in this unit:
Letters to your child from Faith
Letter Pages for writing back to Faith
Keepsake Prayer Pages
Printable Mailing Labels to Faith
And more!...
Join Michelle for a look at our keepsake correspondence series called "Dear Faith"- a unique way for your children to learn what God's Word has to say about their struggles (like worry and friendship) using letters written by and for your children!